Saturday, May 21, 2011

Milton Glaser Documentary

There are uncountable definitions for the word art, some of which are more broad than others. Milton Glaser explains that the core value of art is the act of making things. It isn't limited to activities such as painting or drawing but rather any action that involves creation of some sort. In the documentary, Glaser also says that the purpose of art is to inform and delight. It is created to send out important messages to the viewing public that are capable of helping people become more knowledgeable and gain better insights into the societies in which they live. The messages sent through art are expected to impact us in one way or another, potentially opening our minds up to new beliefs and values. He believes it should help people recognize that everyone and everything in the world shares a connection and is defined by their opposite. At the same time, art must be enjoyable to look at, and it also should be a pleasurable experience to explore the meanings behind it. Another important statement made by Glaser is that we should always operate by interruption. I think this means that we should always work alongside other people when creating our art. He mentions his love of working on projects with other people in the documentary, and we even found out that he never uses a computer himself but instead sits next to others while they are using one and discusses ideas with them. He finds working alone to be quite boring and takes great pleasure in speaking with others, listening to what they have to say about the projects they are creating. Working with a multitude of people can be very disruptive, but this can actually be beneficial. Group projects allow people to share their thoughts and ideas so that there isn't only one mind making decisions during the development of the art. People are able to learn from discussions when they work on projects together. They have the opportunity to see things through the eyes of others, and the final product they create expresses the ideas of numerous different individuals combined, which often attracts a lot of attention from the public. The interruption caused by working in groups forces people to come out of their comfort zones as well, helping them become open to new themes for their projects.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect post Lisa! Great job. Love the explanation to the interruption quote. "to get out of their comfort zones as well, helping them become open to new themes..." you are absolutely right. - Evelyn 10/10
